Tatins, tartes, quiches - French shortcrust pastries

3 hour
Number: 8 person
Difficulty level:
Use of ingredients:
Cultural depth:
Language: Hungarian
Would you like to impress everyone with the masterpieces of French patisserie? If so, this exciting cooking course is for you! Not only will you learn how to make the most famous French pastries, but you will also gain insight into the fundamentals of French culinary arts. Don't miss this opportunity to delve into the world of French patisserie and learn special recipes like caramelised apple tart, black pepper butter biscuits, lemon cream served in a glass, and the classic Quiche Lorraine.
- Tarte Tatin / Upside down apple cake
- Sablés au poivre noir / Black pepper shortbread cookie
- Tarte destructurée au citron / Lemon cake in glass, breton biscuits
- Quiche lorraine / French leek and bacon pie
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Book recommendations for the course
Look for it in our webshop or you can also buy it from the chef after class...