Shrimps and prawns - asian edition

3 hour
Number: 10 person
Difficulty level:
Use of ingredients:
Cultural depth:
Language: Hungarian
Among the many popular seafood options, shrimp form a special group. Often, shrimp serve as the entry point into this vibrant world, as most people can initially relate to this ingredient and flavor. Shrimp can be prepared in countless ways, limited only by imagination: think chips, soups, salads, appetizers, and main courses. Join us on an exotic shrimp journey with our favorite recipes from Latin America to Southeast Asia.
- Banh phong tom / Prawn crakers, chili-mayo dip
- Tom Yum Goong / Thai spicy-sour prawn soup
- Gỏi cuốn / Vietnamese fresh summer roll
- Namya curry / Seafood and fish curry
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