La Cucina Siciliana

Duration: 3 hour
Number: 10 person
Difficulty level:
Use of ingredients:
Cultural depth:
Language: Hungarian
Sicily, the "pantry" of Italian cuisine. Here, everything grows that cannot thrive in the north due to climate: exotic citrus fruits, numerous fresh vegetables, and even almond orchards are found in this region. Its culture and cuisine reflect influences from Greek, Roman, Spanish, and Arab/African traditions. Today, we highlight two mainstays of the region: arancini, rice balls shaped and fried from leftover rice, and caponata, an eggplant stew prepared according to each Sicilian's own recipe – we've crafted our own version as well. We'll also have a superb fennel salad and a swordfish steak with a "salmoriglio" dressing.


  • Insalate Taormina / Salad with orange and fennel
  • Caponata / Sicilian eggplant ragout
  • Arancini / Stuffed, deep fried rice balls
  • Pesce spada al salmoriglio / Swordfish, salmoriglio dressing


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Gerenal infos

Cooking is hands-on, with each pair preparing the full menu in small batches. Our cooking sessions typically last about 3 to 4 hours and accommodate around 10 participants. The menu usually includes 3 to 7 courses/dishes. Food can be enjoyed during the course or taken home in small containers.

Our adult courses are designed for participants aged 18 and above, but we are happy to welcome children aged 12 and older when accompanied by an adult.

Course prices

Drink package