La Cucina Napoletana

3 hour
Number: 10 person
Difficulty level:
Use of ingredients:
Cultural depth:
Language: Hungarian
Our menu is born in the Bay of Naples, under the shadow of Mount Vesuvius, neighboring Capri and Sorrento in the Campania region. We prepare a classic dish that is now widely known and loved throughout Italy: fried eggplant slices with plenty of tomatoes and, for good measure, lots of Parmesan cheese. For the main course, we'll use one of the most commonly used meats in the area – veal – seasoned with Arab influences, paired with roasted potatoes that reflect the influences of French occupation. In short, we await you with an incredibly exciting array of Italian flavors, and if we're skilled enough, we might even whip up a superb ricotta linzer torte for dessert.
- Parmigiana di melanzane / Baked aubergine with lots of tomato & parmesan
- Gatto’ di Patate / Baked mashed potato, mozarella
- Braciole di manzo alla napoletana / Neapolitan beef rolls, tomato sauce, basil
- Torta di ricotta / Creamy ricotta tart
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