French Farm Kitchen

3 hour
Number: 10 person
Difficulty level:
Use of ingredients:
Cultural depth:
Language: Hungarian
French cuisine is renowned worldwide, there's no doubt about that. In this spirit, we've included this class in our repertoire from the very beginning, selecting our favorites from the greatest classics. During the course, we'll bring to life the rocky shores of Brittany and evoke the atmosphere of a cool autumn evening in a countryside cottage in Normandy, where after a soul-warming dinner, one can sip calvados and chat by the light of the fireplace.
- Potage poireaux et pommes de terre / Leek and potato potage
- Roti de porc sauce moutarde, gratin dauphinois / Pork medallions, dijon sauce, gratin
- Tarte Tatin / Upside down apple cake
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Book recommendations for the course
Look for it in our webshop or you can also buy it from the chef after class...