Ashkenazi Jewish cuisine

3 hour
Number: 10 person
Difficulty level:
Use of ingredients:
Cultural depth:
Language: Hungarian
Few cuisines in the world have had religion play such a significant role in their development as classical Jewish cuisine. It contains numerous regulations regarding ingredients, preparation, and serving. For example, it dictates when and what can be eaten, which types of meat are permissible, and that dairy and meat products should not be mixed. It is pleasing that Jewish or kosher cuisine is experiencing a "rebirth" in Budapest. Today's menu features favorites from Ashkenazi, Central, and Eastern European Jewish cuisine. Some items may be familiar, as these dishes and ingredients have always been part of Hungarian cuisine in some way.
- Lengyel-Zsidó tojás / Polish-Jewish egg
- Matzo ball soup
- Cholent
- Challah bread
- Flodni, with poppy seed, apple, and walnut
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